النسبة الذهبية بين العلم والفن
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للمزيد؛ يمكن الاطلاع: هنا.
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1- Markowsky G. Misconceptions about the Golden Ratio [Internet]. Math.cuhk.edu.hk. 2017 [cited 12 April 2020]. Available from: هنا
2- Iosa M, Morone G, Paolucci S. Phi in physiology, psychology and biomechanics: The golden ratio between myth and science. Biosystems. 2018;165:31-39.
3- Liu Y, J.T.Sumpter D. Is the golden ratio a universal constant for self-replication? [Internet]. Journals.plos.org. 2018 [cited 12 April 2020]. Available from: هنا